Ideas On How To Impress Important Business Clients/Associates Outside The Office

Today, business is not just about the products or services that you provide your clients with. It's also about the relationship you share with them. A good working relationship leads to more business and for longer. That is why it has been a long-standing tradition in the corporate world to give business clients or associates a treat when visiting. If you are in a similar situation, this article will provide you with some ideas on how to impress your visiting business guests outside the office.

Organize chauffeured corporate transport

First impressions matter a lot, even in business. One way to create a great first impression with your visiting business clients/associates is to hire chauffeured corporate transport for them. Chauffeured corporate cars depict class and offer great comfort amenities. You can hire a limo, executive sedans, luxury SUVs or vans, and then arrange to have your guests picked up at the airport and transported around town in them.

Take them to an expensive restaurant

A good meal still remains one of the best ways to bond. And an expensive restaurant never fails to impress. Together, these two qualities will make your corporate guests feel your hospitality. You can go for 5-star hotels with trusted service, specialty eateries that offer something unique menus (Asian, Italian, Mediterranean dishes, etc) or newly-opened outlets for a fresh ambience. A good idea here is to try out the restaurant first before taking your delegation there.

Take them on an outdoor tour

You can also book your guests on one of the many outdoor tours available across the country. This, too, will provide you with a chance to bond and unwind with your important business guests. Some of the destinations you can have them shown include museums, animal parks, marine parks, coastal tours, boat rides, city tours, wine tours, mountain tours, etc. If you do not have a great tour idea in mind, you can have a tour company tailor a package for you.

Present them with a gift

Presenting guests with a gift is a long tradition that shows them how important they are. And that is exactly how you want your business clients to feel. You can prepare a nice gift for them and present it to them upon arrival or before their departure. Gift ideas here include sculpture art, paintings, collectable vases or ceramics, cultural art, jewellery, etc. If you're out of ideas, you can contact a corporate gift company for some options.

If your clients/associates are impressed with you in and out of the office, there is no reason why they won't be more loyal to you and even push more business your way.

About Me

Living on an island

We live and work on an island which means that everything that we need or consume needs to be brought in. We have a weekly light plane delivery as well as some deliveries by boat. The boat is fine for some items, such as frozen or processed food, but some dry or delicate things that we want need to come by plane, such as our newspapers. It does make it very expensive to get items bought in, and we have to be very smart about how we use transportation. This blog is all about transportation between an island and the mainland.

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