Heading Off On Holiday? Here Are Important Airport Parking Tips To Consider

If you have short-term travel plans, short-term parking solutions will work best for you. Although short-term parking will be more expensive when you compare it with per-day parking, it is still a better option for people who are either dropping off or picking up passengers and those who require parking space for only a few minutes. Here are the essential tips you need to consider when booking your short-term airport parking.

Make Early Booking

It is advisable that you take advantage of the best deals when booking. People do leave it till the last minute and end up paying a lot. Parking prices at the airport do vary depending on the month. It is crucial you always make an early booking to avoid spending more on parking fees since rates tend to increase when car parks are booked up.

Go For the Right Type of Parking

People do have different needs, and it is vital that they choose the right type of parking to ensure they have a stress-free experience. There are park-and-ride lots, which aren't expensive. After parking, you will move to the airport in a shuttle bus since the parks are a little bit further from the terminals. It will help you save some money. There is also the face-to-face option, which offers excellent convenience. Here, a chauffeur will meet you and assist with the loading or unloading of your luggage.

Ensure the Car Is Safe

It's advisable that you always check for the park mark accreditation when booking for an airport car park. The sign will indicate that the car park has been inspected and meets the minimum security requirements.

Check Transfer Time

In case you have decided to use the park-and-ride option, it is essential that you know the transfer time to the airport terminal. If the time to the terminal is less than 20 minutes, which should be okay. However, you need to get worried if it takes longer. Ensure you do not leave too little time as you risk missing the flight.


The costs of short-term airport parking are calculated on a per-day basis or per-hour basis. It all depends on the facility. This service can cost more due to the extra convenience and depending on its proximity to the airport facility. With the great benefits that come with short-term airport parking, any air traveller should consider using it in their next travel.

About Me

Living on an island

We live and work on an island which means that everything that we need or consume needs to be brought in. We have a weekly light plane delivery as well as some deliveries by boat. The boat is fine for some items, such as frozen or processed food, but some dry or delicate things that we want need to come by plane, such as our newspapers. It does make it very expensive to get items bought in, and we have to be very smart about how we use transportation. This blog is all about transportation between an island and the mainland.

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